Business Information
In order to reach our goals, we need assistance from local businesses. Businesses can help by allowing us to stand in front of their store to collect donations (if you are a business that sells food items) or by becoming a Corporate Sponsor.
Tiers of Corporate Sponsorship:
- $500 Sponsor:
- A mention in our press release
- A special thank you letter
- All of the benefits of the previous tiers
- $250 Sponsor:
- Logo of business placed on the flyers that we send out with our bags of donations to the families
- All of the benefits of the previous tier
- $150 Sponsor:
- Business name on the banner at our school
- Business logo on our website (on the “Our Sponsors” tab)
For more information, contact our Food Drive Business Manager advisor, Trudy Sullivan, at (360) 283-4356 or at